Roland Bainton, in his publication The Reformation of the Sixteenth Century, said, "A halfway position was taken by those who made a distinction between dogmas some of which are essential and some not. At that time it was an attempt to reduce the fundamentals to the smallest number in order that constraint might be restricted to this minimal area and all else left free. The distinction of course was an old one. The Church had always differentiated the cardinal tenets from the minor. The anti-dogmatic groups of the late Middle Ages had gone further and pointed out how little dogma is necessary for salvation and that of course was the whole point, not how much is true but how much needs to be known and believed in order to be saved."
He also said this idea was worked out in much greater detail by the Italian Protestant refugee, Acontius. I'll enjoy investigating the ideas of this fellow and others of his persuasion because it may be the one area of theology that holds as part of its system the imperative to be of the one mind of Christ. It might actually be the first workable system that invites Christ honoring unity. But first I will evaluate Calvinism. I've had a four week persistent cold that has not been very farrier friendly. But it must be on it's way out.
I read this book three years ago. Why didn't I remember that the second to last chapter held some key informaion pointing toward much more sound, scripturally supported theology than the present divisive choices of the last couple thousand years.
You have a well designed blog. I am a Christian also. Check out my blogspot blogs at
Hope to get in touch with you soon.
In Christ
Thanks for the note on Bobby's blog. I just purchased Baiton's work on the reformation in the 16th at a used bookstore in Eau Claire last week---neato (I am from Eau Claire so not to far from ya).
I am aware of a small Reformed Church up in your neck of the woods. Do you attend one there?
Hi Alan,
I belong to the Rhinelander Bible Church which is primarily Evangelical, Fundamental, Dispensational Christian. Although, I shy away from completely accepting totally any of the popular systems of Disp. and Fund. or any theologies for that matter. We really do very well accepting the plain language of the Bible from a thoroughly studied approach and avoid most excessively complex principles that are hard to agree on which the Lord seems to have intentionally left unanswered for our and His own good. I have a complete lack of respect for the Reformed interpretation of scripture, sorry. Thanks for the difficult study on your ideas at your website. With you in the faith, Todd
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