Saturday, March 23, 2013

We wait it out.

      After a Winter of above normal temperatures these past two weeks here in N.WI have been about 10 degrees below normal. We will be patient.

      These flowers went in the second week of February. They are on a big leak proof pad that is meant for underneath a washing machine. They should be ready to bake in the greenhouse by April.  They should be ready to provide a feast of color by end of May.  Although, the sun has got a lot of snow removal to do soon.

      Last year at this time (third week in March) was a freakishly hot couple of days.  The reason I remember so well is that at the Bell Tower in Merrill, where I worked, they had to turn the air-conditioning on for two consecutive days.  It was just over 90 degrees (50 degrees above normal).  And Winter did not come back.  It was the beginning of the warmest year on record.  The trees all just stood there for a few weeks not knowing what to do with springlike weather coming that soon.  Spring was interrupted eventually by a killing frost which wiped out a large part of the apple season, among other things, but the leaves went on later that Autumn, after all of that, to turn color right on schedule during the last week of September.  Well, so they do go by hours of daylight.  Sure enough.

1 comment:

Todd Saunders said...

I believe this has been the coldest March and April on record with the first 50 degree March day-time high temperature arriving later than ever, and the first 60 degree April day arriving later than it ever has as well. Warmest ever and coldest ever, in back to back years.