Thursday, December 01, 2011

Does the successful outcome of the Donor-Conceived rest on their personality (dull-minded vs. curious-minded)?

Please first read the following link

Can we ethically give away our sperm or egg (our own children) to comfort childless couples?

Is that fair to them?

Are we using the children in that way for something they would rather not have been a part of?  Something that perhaps even they have the right not to be subjected to?

Questions arise. Was the knowledge of there family history carelessly sold away from them?

I think there is a tough (or maybe not so tough) moral question here.

Even in the presence of both good and bad outcomes, there is a dilemma, and it argues that children are not a commodity that we can rightly buy and sell.

To me, it makes abortion look pretty good; in that, abortion effects a living, not-conscious, developing physical entity, but a sperm/egg donation effects a conscious fully viable soul - one standing in front of us holding us accountable for his/her technologically enabled life.

Should the donation require that the donor accept that his/her identity will be available to the adult donor-conceived child?  Would that significantly change the number of donations, or merely the quality of donors? Would doing so head off these bad outcomes in a humane way that could be acceptable to both the donor and the donor-conceived?

Feel free to share some thoughts.

If you think this is a challenging issue, then wait until we get to In Vitro Fertilization.

1 comment:

Todd Saunders said...

Here is some interesting information I ran across on 9/16/13 while studying for a research paper.

In a more recent example, a national study on young adults conceived through sperm donation, including a small sample of lesbian couple families,found a recurring theme among these young people of “looking for my father everywhere.” According to the 2009 study:
• Among the young adults raised by lesbian couples, over one-third agreed “it is wrong to conceive a fatherless child.”
• Also, 33 percent said that when they see friends with biological moms and dads they feel sad.
• Nearly half of these young adults said, “My sperm donor is half of who I am.”18
The above examples are reminders that all children—no matter how they are conceived or into what type of family environment they are born or adopted—desire to know where they came from, who they look like, where they get certain characteristics, and most importantly, to know and be known by their own mother and father.